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Create and append file name appropriate for uploading data to the Wildtrax platform





Data frame. Recording metadata. Output of clean_metadata().


Data frame of metadata with appended column of WildTrax appropriate file names.


m <- clean_metadata(project_files = example_files)
#> Extracting ARU info...
#> Extracting Dates and Times...
m <- add_wildtrax(m)
#> # A tibble: 42 × 12
#>    file_name    type  path  aru_id manufacturer model aru_type site_id tz_offset
#>    <chr>        <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>        <chr> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>    
#>  1 P01_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P01_1   -0400    
#>  2 P01_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P01_1   -0400    
#>  3 P02_1_20200… wav   a_S4… S4A01… Wildlife Ac… Song… SongMet… P02_1   NA       
#>  4 P02_1_20200… wav   a_S4… S4A01… Wildlife Ac… Song… SongMet… P02_1   NA       
#>  5 P03_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P03_1   -0400    
#>  6 P04_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P04_1   -0400    
#>  7 P04_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P04_1   -0400    
#>  8 P05_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P05_1   -0400    
#>  9 P06_1_20200… wav   a_BA… BARLT… Frontier La… BAR-… BARLT    P06_1   -0400    
#> 10 P07_1_20200… wav   a_S4… S4A01… Wildlife Ac… Song… SongMet… P07_1   NA       
#> # ℹ 32 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: date_time <dttm>, date <date>, wildtrax_file_name <glue>