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ARUtools 0.7.1


  • clip_wave() was failing due to error in rlang evaulation in nse_names(). (#44)

ARUtools 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2024-09-06




  • Fix issue with no oversamples (GRTS fails from select_samples() if n is a data frame and all n_os are zero. #40)
  • Fix to_lower() in check_names() causes error if upper cases used. #41

ARUtools 0.6.2

CRAN release: 2024-04-18

  • Initial CRAN submission.

1st CRAN version! 🥳 Changes since 0.6.1 relate to getting package ready for CRAN submission and so included improved documentation, final coverage of tests, removing unnecessary functions.

  • #36 tracks workflow to submission
  • Removed play_random_track() (dd3ddb195fe50c37cb83a15110651c4c659014dd) #38
  • Added examples to final functions and remove where necessary (44879bd3508af743049f0c5528d386d9f56a8475)

ARUtools 0.6.0


  • Cleaned up functions for recording selection, spectrograms, clipping waves, acoustic indices and creating dirs (#8, #11, #12, #13, #23)
  • Added NSE for relevant functions, these now use col_COLNAME, changed arguments for non-NSE functions to name_COLNAME (#15)
  • Ensure that data order is unchanged when passing through cleaning functions (#19)
  • Added sampling vignette


ARUtools 0.5.1


  • add_wildtrax() - New helper function to create and append WildTrax file names


  • clean_gps() - Fixed errors when processing only GPX files

ARUtools 0.5.0

  • clean_gps()

    • can handle GPX files via sf now
    • distance cutoff results in a warning (not an error), returning the data with the max_dist column, so users can see which site was problematic.
    • now checks for distance by site groups aru_id and site_id by default
    • pattern matches for GPS column headers have been expanded
    • catches errors but continues reporting on failed loading (remove skip_bad argument)
    • check_problems() now also checks GPS meta data
  • create_pattern_XXX()

    • Now accept multiple options
    • all separators are non-optional, but provide "" as pseudo-optional
    • create_pattern_site_id() ids do not have to have a suffix
  • clean_metadata() accepts multiple pattern options

  • clean_site_index() allows no date columns (col_date_time = NULL)

  • add_sites()

    • Rename dt_type to by_date
    • Take mean of multiple sites with by_date = "date" (instead of truncating)
    • Use by_date = NULL to skip joining by date range
  • Workflow now works with sf input (must be POINT geometries)

  • Timezones are now more explicit

    • Expect local time marked with UTC
    • Existing non-UTC timezones are stripped with a message
    • Errors returned if there are more than one relevant date_time column with different timezones
  • Vignettes

    • Mini spatial workflow (vignettes/spatial.Rmd)
    • Explaining timezones (vignettes/timezones.Rmd)
