A data frame with tasks generated from example_clean
the wildRtrax::wt_make_aru_tasks() function. Allows updating of
tasks on WildTrax https://wildtrax.ca/.
A data frame with 14 rows and 13 columns:
- location
Site location name
- recording_date_time
Date time of the recording
- method
Method of interpretation (generally '1SPT')
- taskLength
Length of recording in seconds
- transcriber
Transcriber ID, to be filled in with function
- rain
Empty character for filling in WildTrax
- wind
Empty character for filling in WildTrax
- industryNoise
Empty character for filling in WildTrax
- audioQuality
Empty character for filling in WildTrax
- taskComments
Empty character for filling in WildTrax
- internal_task_id
Empty character for filling in WildTrax